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We believe in supporting our learners to be independent, to enjoy every element of their lives, to achieve more than they can imagine and we will do this together. We challenge what is possible and any limits put in place by others. We work with our learners to be as independent as they can be to ensure they have a feeling of self-worth. We work together with our learners and families to strive to enrich the whole lives of our learners.

On entering school each individual learner is assessed with reference to their Education and Health Care plan, this enables us to ensure they receive a personalised plan at Springside. Each learner has a Personal Learning Plan that is regularly reviewed and updated to monitor their progress. Classes also send home Theme Webs each half term to share with families how topics/themes are being taught to their child and how they can add to this learning at home.

We have recently redesigned our curriculum to ensure it is as pertinent, purposeful and engaging as possible. Within our school we have 3 different learning pathways, these are:

Experiential Learners- Within this cohort the learners develop through experiencing the world, these learners generally have Profound and Multiple learning difficulties and are generally working at S4 or below of the Springside Steps assessment system. Further information on this phase and their curriculum offer can be found by clicking here.

Exploratory Learners- Within this cohort the learners develop through exploring the world are them, these learners generally have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition and are generally working within S4 to S7 Springside Steps assessment system. Further information on this phase and their curriculum offer can be found by clicking here.

Investigative Learners- Within this cohort the learners develop through investigating the world around them. The curriculum and learning environments for these learners are increasingly more formal. The pupils in this cohort are generally working at S5 or above of the Springside Steps assessment system. Further information on this phase and their curriculum offer can be found by clicking here.

Learners at Springside School have a diverse range of learning difficulties and associated special educational needs. The curriculum aims to support the holistic development of all learners in a manner, which is appropriate to their individual needs and abilities and provide a sensitive response to the challenges they face. At its core it is designed to ensure all learners are happy, healthy and safe whilst ensuring they reach their full potential having access to a broad and balanced curriculum promoting independence throughout.

Springside School is a non-denominational school that aims to celebrate festivals and religious events from many cultures. Whole school and phase worship, beliefs and celebrations (e.g. Birthdays, Achievements, Eid, Christmas) reflect this. Learners are taught to embrace all celebrations, cultures as well as respect each other, their beliefs and differences; these are detailed on our curriculum theme mapping.

Within all phases EHC Outcomes, through the Personal Learning Plan, annual objectives and termly targets will be considered, referenced and evidenced as appropriate throughout.

Our curriculum is set in the context of Equals multi-tiered curriculum approach, recognising that differentiation from England’s (or indeed any) National Curriculum, including the EYFS framework, is not sufficient to meet the needs of learners with profound, complex, severe or global learning difficulties. For these learners, who are all working consistently and over time below or very near the start of their national curriculum, curricula need to be different rather than differentiated, because the way such learners learn is different, and often very, very different from neuro-typical, conventional developing learners for whom the national curriculum was designed.

Teaching reading

Fostering a love of reading and mark making is a key aim throughout our work at Springside. Children learning to enjoy reading experiences at whatever level they are working at and developing skills for life is a fundamental part of our ethos and provision. For some children this will be to experience objects related to texts, stories and poems, others will develop the skills needed to be learners who read confidently and independently.

My English and Phonics are taught as a discrete, timetabled lesson in the Investigative phase. However, learners who are assessed as understanding phonemes have access to phonics sessions throughout all phases. All children have the opportunity to experience stories and books throughout the day with classes taking part in ‘DEER’ (drop everything except reading) when everyone in class can explore books and stories for pleasure.

In 2021-2022 this will also be taught as an Area of Learning in our ‘Bridge class’ known as Dinosaurs, - these learners are based in the Investigative phase.


Integral to our school, curriculum and development of our learners is Inclusion. We are devoted to providing all our learners with the communication and social skills required to successfully promote their inclusion in society.

We have wonderful links with our co-located Primary School – Hamer Community Primary School. This link provides us with the flexibility, support and opportunity to further personalise our offer to all learners.

We also have strong and supportive links with our local Secondary Special School Redwood, this is particularly important during the transition stage for our learners, further information on our inclusion partners can be found using the links below:

Hamer Community Primary School

Redwood Secondary School