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Curriculum Pathways

We currently have 14 needs-based classes across Springside. Our classes are grouped into three phases of learners according to their needs. 2 classes are based in our Springside @ Moorhouse hub, these learners are accessing elements of the National Curriculum and mainstream inclusion as appropriate.

In addition to our phase specific approaches we work with many professionals and offer specialised programmes, these include: Occupational Therapy, Therapeutic Interventions (Th.Inc.®), Speech and Language, Wilderness Therapy, outdoor learning and animal care, Hydrotherapy and many more.


Children attending a special school require a highly differentiated curriculum. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of all learners within EYFS they are placed according to their need rather than age. The Learners' learning is underpinned by the core principles of the EYFS framework and as our learning is all child-led, highly differentiated and tailored to the child’s needs and interests.

Learners at Springside school, including those in the EYFS, access the curriculum pathway most appropriate to their individual special educational need, dependent upon the approach to learning that best suits them and is tailored to their individual needs, rather than purely on age, this equally applies to learners in the EYFS.

The EYFS approach benefits learners at the earliest stages of development and therefore is appropriate and beneficial to all learners at Springside. For this reason, the principles and core values are utilised across the school and different pathways. More information can be found by reading our EYFS Policy on the curriculum page.


For our Experiential Learners an innovative curriculum offer is in place to best meet the needs of all the learners within the phase. The learners in this class learn through experiencing the world around them. Their curriculum is purposefully designed to ensure it is broad and balanced yet helps the learners to progress. Lessons for learners in this cohort are not subject-specific, they use the theme for that half-term and develop each area of focus from both their EHC Plan and other areas of priority, identified by all professionals who work with them.

More information can be found by reading our Experiential brochure on the curriculum page.


Within Exploratory we believe in teaching our learners the essential knowledge they need in order to learn the skills and concepts they need to independently and safely explore the world around them, whilst being able to appropriately and functionally communicate with others. We aim to ensure they are able to explore a range of experiences to seek to widen their interests and tolerance to different environments and situations. These learners are generally dependent on staff for all aspects of care and delivery. We believe in supporting our learners to be as independent as possible.


Whilst learners in here are following the Exploratory pathway, they are accessing a wholly individualised curriculum and approaches, tailored to the needs of each learner as appropriate at the time. 

More information can be found by reading our Exploratory brochure on the curriculum page.


Within the Investigative phase we believe in teaching our learners the knowledge, skills and concepts they need to independently and safely access the world around them. We aim to support them enjoying, accessing playing an active role in society and being able to communicate meaningfully within society. These learners are semi-dependent on staff for all aspects of care and delivery.

More information can be found by reading our Investigative brochure on the curriculum page.


These learners remain within the Investigative phase but are accessing a community curriculum. This pathway is for learners who are developing their understanding of concepts. Skills, concepts and knowledge delivered using a curriculum that frequently accesses the community, developing their independence using public transport and managing transitions.

More information can be found by reading our Investigative brochure on the curriculum page.


These learners remain within the Investigative phase but are based at Moorhouse Academy. This hub is for learners who are able to understand concepts but are ready to begin to apply them practically – Skills, concepts and knowledge delivered in a child-led more formal learning environment and manner. Includes elements of the National Curriculum as appropriate.

More information can be found by reading our Springside @ Moorhouse brochure on the curriculum page.