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Springside Hub learners

Springside @ Moorhouse and Springside @ Littleborough learners are within our Investigative phase. Within this, learners investigate the world around them in a more formal learning environment. Learners in this phase begin to make links and develop their communication to explore and explain ideas and concepts. The aims of each area of learning is to provide the learners with the skills, concepts and knowledge to meaningfully engage in the world around them.

Developing understanding and expression of feelings and emotions is central to learning. Learners are encouraged to engage and form secure relationships with adults and peers, develop resilience and feel more comfortable in sharing their feelings. Talents are encouraged through activities such as signing choir, sports and assemblies, helping to develop self-esteem and pride, in addition to celebrating others’ achievements.

Engaging in a range of experiences, topic focus and development in the Investigative phase includes those within learners’ personal interests and new ideas and themes. Teaching and learning is shared and developed through a range of interactive areas of learning such as My Play and Leisure, My Independence, My World and My Physical Well-being, which encourage discovery and wonder.

The classes offer a needs-based curriculum, where appropriate, using a child-led approach using the principles of EYFS as well as more formal approaches. Each utilising and developing learners’ skills to encourage investigation, expression and independent learning. Each learners' capabilities are considered and individual needs are fully met, educationally, socially, emotionally and physically. This includes elements of the National Curriculum as appropriate.

Classes in this phase are Canaries and Kestrels.

Investigative Phase Parental Email:


Teachers email Class information
Moorhouse Jennie Horton and Sarah Howat

Skills, concepts and knowledge delivered in a child-led more formal learning environment and manner. Includes elements of the National Curriculum as appropriate.

Littleborough Jane Mechen

Skills, concepts and knowledge delivered in a child-led more formal learning environment and manner. Includes elements of the National Curriculum as appropriate.

Please find Springside @ Moorhouse information and resources below...