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Governing body 2024-2025

Charlene Mullane - Chair of Governors

First Appointed - 6th March 2018

Term Start - 24th March 2022

Term End - 23rd March 2026

Lyn O'Rielly - Vice Chair/ Co-opted Governor

First Appointed - 27th September 2021

Term Start - 18th January 2022

Term End - 17th January 2026

Shazye Cosar - Co-opted Governor

First Appointed - 1st September 2015

Term Start - 30th August 2023

Term End - 29th August 2027

David Costello - Co-opted Governor

First Appointed - 2nd May 2023

Term Start - 2nd May 2023

Term End - 1st May 2027

Dr Heidi McDermott - Co-opted Governor

First Appointed - 18th May 2022

Term Start - 18th May 2022

Term End - 17th May 2026

Melody Fierro - Headteacher Governor

First Appointed - 1st September 2017 

Term Start - 1st September 2017

Vacancy - LA Governor

We currently have a vacancy for a Local Authority Governor.

Vacancy - Parent Governors

We currently have two vacancies for Parent Governors.

Vacancy - Staff Governor

We currently have a vacancy for Staff Governors.

Jody McGarraghy - Associate Governor

First Appointed - 1st September 2015

Term Start - 2nd January 2024



Resources sub- committee

Lyn O’Reilly (Chair)

To provide oversight of the finance, premises and staffing on behalf of the Governing Board

Learner and curriculum sub committee

Charlene Mullane (Chair)

To review and monitor the curriculum offer on behalf of the Governing Board including

Teaching and Learning





Pupil Behaviour Welfare (including Child Protection

Complaints committee

Charlene Mullane (Chair)

To consider complaints, from parents and members of the public, in accordance with the Schools Complaints Procedure

Headteachers Appraisal

Lyn O’Reilly (Chair)

Statutory responsibilities for the Appraisal of the Headteacher

Learner Discipline Committee

Charlene Mullane (Chair)

To carry out the Governing Board’s legal responsibilities in relation to reviewing the exclusion from school of individual pupils.

Personnel and Pay implementation

Lyn O’Reilly (Chair)

To implement the personnel and pay policies procedures for determining staff pay (including the annual review of teachers’ salaries),

Personnel Appeals Committee

Charlene Mullane (Chair)

To implement the personnel and pay policies of the Governing Board by making appeal decisions related to individual members of staff.

The attachment below contains information: For each governor who’s served at any point over the past 12 months (including associate members):

  • Full name
  • Term of office
  • Date of appointment
  • Date they stepped down (where applicable)
  • Who appointed them
  • Register of business and financial interests
  • Governance roles in other educational institutions
  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or between governors and school staff
  • Attendance record at governing board and committee meetings over the last academic year.
  • Associate members only: details of their voting rights on committees